

Our programs bring deeper meaning and purpose to life, leadership and learning

  • PWC
  • Wilson Group
  • CSL Limited
  • FUJI Xerox
  • Bunnings Warehouse
  • Honda Corporation
  • CISCO Systems


Creating the high performance organisation

 Australia – 6 days

  • Target: high potential leaders with significant business responsibilities
  • Content: personal authenticity in leadership, team and culture development, learning and change
  • Process: learning teams, peer coaching teams, personal reflection, circles of trust, change and agility



Non residential – 2 days

  • Target: senior leaders from offices across Australia
  • Content: growing leadership capability to “build trust and solve important social problem”
  • Process: learning teams, peer coaching teams, app based support, technology enhanced.

Wilson Group

Wilson Leadership Program

Australia – 6 days

  • Target: high potential leaders with significant business responsibilities
  • Content: personal authenticity in leadership, team and culture development, learning and change
  • Process: learning teams, peer coaching teams, personal reflection, circles of trust, change and agility

CSL Limited

Executive Leadership Programs

Non residential – 2 days

  • Target: senior leaders from offices across Australia
  • Content: growing leadership capability to “build trust and solve important social problem”
  • Process: learning teams, peer coaching teams, app based support, technology enhanced.

FUJI Xerox

Regional Leadership Development Program

 Australia – 6 days

  • Target: high potential leaders with significant business responsibilities
  • Content: personal authenticity in leadership, team and culture development, learning and change
  • Process: learning teams, peer coaching teams, personal reflection, circles of trust, change and agility

Bunnings Warehouse

Accelerated Management Development Program

Non residential – 2 days

  • Target: senior leaders from offices across Australia
  • Content: growing leadership capability to “build trust and solve important social problem”
  • Process: learning teams, peer coaching teams, app based support, technology enhanced.

Honda Corporation

Honda Leadership Program

 Australia – 6 days

  • Target: high potential leaders with significant business responsibilities
  • Content: personal authenticity in leadership, team and culture development, learning and change
  • Process: learning teams, peer coaching teams, personal reflection, circles of trust, change and agility

CISCO Systems

Executive Leadership Workshops

Non residential – 2 days

  • Target: senior leaders from offices across Australia
  • Content: growing leadership capability to “build trust and solve important social problem”
  • Process: learning teams, peer coaching teams, app based support, technology enhanced.


There has been a significant decline in trust globally over the past decade in Institutions, Government and Corporations. Too many leaders were seen to be self serving rather than community serving.


People today are seeking leaders who stand for something beyond self interest; leaders who say what they mean and mean what they say.

It is a challenging, volatile world today for all organisations, but the challenge is less about finding the right strategy and more about building the right culture. This is a central issue of leadership, but it is not building the leadership in the few, but more building the leadership capability of the many. It is seeing the leadership potential within all as a truly distinctive human capability. It is building leadership in all people so they can step step forward to lead in the right way and at the right time when they are called upon to lead. Agility is built in team based processes, collective ownership and personal initiative.